Spremni za Salon International 2018?
Najveći frizerski šou u Velikoj Britaniji, Salon International, vraća se i ovo godine u londonski izložbeni centar ExCel, od 13. do 15. oktobra.
Line-up ovog događaja čine zvezde internacionalne frizerske scene, uključujući akademiju Sassoon, Rush, Schwarzkopf Professional, Toni & Guy i Patrick Cameron, koji će na sceni demonstrirati svoje veštine, tokom trodnevnog programa.
Sa preko 400 izlagača, među kojima su i novi u 2018. godini – Goldwell, KMS, Balmain, Great Lengths, Milkshake i Reuzel – ovaj svetski šou garantuje preko 40.000 posetilaca i ultimativno hair iskustvo.
Izvršna direktorica ove manifestacije Jayne Lewis-Orr kaže: “Salon International je samo srce frizerske industrije. To je platforma za apsolutno najbolju edukciju i inovacije, čiji je cilj da inspiriše. Ove godine čast nam je da u okviru Live Auditoriuma predstavimo talentovane timove Sassoon Professional, Schwarzkopf Professional, Rush, Toni & Guy i Patrick Cameron, uz Mahogany koji će ove godine voditi Salon Seminar.”
Svake godine tokom Salon Internationala lideri frizerske industrije oduševljavalju svojim umećem i umetničkom kreativnošću, pa ni 2018. godina neće biti izuzetak!
Kroz foto-galeriju ispod, predstavljamo delić prošlogodišnje atmosfere.

The UK
s leading hair show, Salon International, will return to ExCeL, L
ondon this autumn
with a stellar line-up of artists – including Sassoon Academy,
Rush, Schwarzkopf
Professional, Toni & Guy and Patrick Cameron
all of whom wil
be showcasing their skills
on stage, making the three-
event the hottest ticket in town.
Running between the 13th – 15th October 2018, Salon International
is the go-to show for
hair professionals from across the globe. With over 400 exhibitors in
cluding new for 2018 –
Goldwell, KMS, Balmain, Great Lengths
Milkshake and Reuzel
it is guaranteed to provide
,000+ visitors the ultimate hair experience
Jayne Lewis-Orr, executive director of Salon International says:
Salon International is at
the heart of the industry and platforms the absolute best in educat
ion and innovation with
the single aim of inspiring excellence.
This year we are delighted to welcome to the Live Auditorium the tru
ly talented teams from
Sassoon Professional, Schwarzkopf Professional, Rush, Toni & Guy and P
atrick Cameron,
alongside Mahogany who will be running this year
s Salon Seminar sessions. Every year
these industry leaders wow with their skill and artistic creat
we know that 2018 will
be no exception.
”The UK
s leading hair show, Salon International, will return to ExCeL, L
ondon this autumn
with a stellar line-up of artists – including Sassoon Academy,
Rush, Schwarzkopf
Professional, Toni & Guy and Patrick Cameron
all of whom wil
be showcasing their skills
on stage, making the three-
event the hottest ticket in town.
Running between the 13th – 15th October 2018, Salon International
is the go-to show for
hair professionals from across the globe. With over 400 exhibitors in
cluding new for 2018 –
Goldwell, KMS, Balmain, Great Lengths
Milkshake and Reuzel
it is guaranteed to provide
,000+ visitors the ultimate hair experience
Jayne Lewis-Orr, executive director of Salon International says:
Salon International is at
the heart of the industry and platforms the absolute best in educat
ion and innovation with
the single aim of inspiring excellence.
This year we are delighted to welcome to the Live Auditorium the tru
ly talented teams from
Sassoon Professional, Schwarzkopf Professional, Rush, Toni & Guy and P
atrick Cameron,
alongside Mahogany who will be running this year
s Salon Seminar sessions. Every year
these industry leaders wow with their skill and artistic creat
we know that 2018 will
be no exception.
Redken Brews, linija za muškarce, konačno u Srbiji!
What a man! Revolucija u svetu muških frizura
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